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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)


At Marchwood Junior School we firmly believe that every child is entitled to a full education where they thrive and achieve their full potential.

We are an inclusive school and work hard to ensure that all pupils feel part of the MJS Family. We ensure that all pupils, those with and without SEND, are fully supported through their learning journey, which may include additional provisions or support within and/or outside the classroom, provided by a dedicated team of teachers, learning support assistants and ELSAs. We pride ourselves on knowing our children as individuals and we tailor their experience of school to suit their needs, whether it is educational or pastoral, and will endeavour to meet all educational, physical, SEMH or communication needs.

Who is qualified to lead SEND at MJS?

At Marchwood Junior School, our SENCo and whole school leader for SEND is Mrs Emma Ford (Winchester University NASENCo- 2017).  You can contact her on

Who is qualified to teach children with SEND at MJS?

All teaching staff are qualified to teach children with SEND. A class teacher’s responsibilities lie with the teaching and learning of all pupils in their class which fits with the SEN Code of Practise - 6.52.

Teachers and Learning Support Assistants are supported by the SENCo, SLT and subject experts to ensure that they have the relevant knowledge and CPD to ensure all learners are successful.

Co-production with parents at MJS

Parents are vital to children’s success – school alone cannot make a big enough difference.

It is very important to us at MJS that parents and children feel at the centre of decisions made for pupils and their provision. We endeavour to keep parents informed and updated with pupils’ progress through a variety of ways including termly parents’ evenings; pupils’ school reports; additional meetings; phone calls home and staff being ‘on the gate’. We want parents to feel connected to their children’s learning so we welcome feedback, as we aim to working collaboratively with parents and children so that children’s needs are best met.

If your child is identified as having a special educational need, as the expert on your child, you will be invited to share your experiences and discuss possible barriers for your child’s learning which you may have noticed. Our aim is to work closely with parents and children to ensure that we are in collaboration, in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children. For these pupils, you, as parents, will be invited to share your views on their Pupil Passport and will have updates on their termly targets which describe how school and home can help support individuals to succeed.

What is the graduated cycle and why is it important?

The graduated cycle (also referred to as the assess, plan, do review cycle) is a cycle which all pupils’ provision and learning goes through. It is a system where by pupils are assessed in order to identify gaps or next steps in learning, teachers then plan lessons or additional provision to target these areas. These strategies are then carried out (the do) and following this, pupils are reviewed again to check what progress has been made towards their target learning and what the next focus will be.

Children consistently working below Age Related Expectations (ARE)

At MJS it is vitally important to us that all pupils make progress whether that is meeting ARE or making personalised progress.

We track pupils progress at several points in the year to ensure that we have a good understanding of pupil achievement and progress. For those pupils who do not attain ARE we apply our SEN identification policy and ensure appropriate action is taken to support children to close gaps. Our policy includes five levels of support children may access:


Support for parents

It is important to us at MJS that our parents feel supported. There are various ways that you can contact us or look for support:

  • Class teachers – your child’s class teacher is committed to supporting you child. If you have any queries about how you might best support their learning, class teachers are happy to assist and advise. This may be at parents’ evening or an additional meeting on request.
  • Email - Please see ur staff contacts page for staff emails. Please be mindful that although staff are happy to be contacted via email, they may not answer during 9:00am-3:30pm as they are teaching, so if you have an urgent message, please contact the office. In addition, staff do endeavour to answer emails promptly but emails sent during the evening/weekend will not be answered until working hours.
  • Notice board in reception – the notice board in reception is a great place to look for a range of supportive leaflets and advice for parents including CAMHS leaflets, Back to Basics advice and Tea and Chat details and topics previously covered.
  • On the gate - n morning drop off you will be able to catch Mr Hoskins (Head Teacher), Mrs Smith (Pastoral lead/ELSA) and Mrs Ford (SENCo) who are always happy to hear any concerns or answer questions.
  • ‘Cuppa-and-Chat’ – we hold drop-in sessions once a half term where parents and carers are welcome to join our wellbeing lead (Mrs Gregory), pastoral lead (Mrs Smith) and SENCo (Mrs Ford) for a cuppa and chat about topics pertinent to our school community. All parents and carers are welcome and the team are happy to answer any queries or have a chat about concerns that you might have.