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School Vision

Our learning family that inspires you to dream



Learning is an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learned.

At Marchwood Junior School, children experience a knowledge engaged curriculum. They are provided a rich web of knowledge and experiences which provide the capacity for them to learn even more and develop their understanding through application. Content provides children with subject specific knowledge and vocabulary that allows them to build links and enhance learning. Knowledge acquired leads towards creativity, innovation, purpose and is meaningful.

Excellence in teaching – High quality teaching results in children making rapid and sustained progress whilst aiding them to reflect and evaluate their learning to continually achieve and make their own successes. 

Rich web of knowledge – Knowledge is generative and must be precise in detail, building upon the knowledge already acquired

Understanding through application – Mastery of a body of subject-specific knowledge is its application.

Meaningful – Learning equips us with knowledge and skills to be able to respond and adapt to the ever-changing world around us.

Empowering – Individuals are given learning experiences, that fill them with the confidence to strive to achieve more than they thought possible.

Independence – Individuals have the ability to be ready to learn, the flexibility to learn on their own and the initiative to apply prior knowledge. 


Our Marchwood family is based upon the principles of trust, belonging and respect of one another. Individuals feel safe, secure and cared for in an inclusive and harmonious community, where everyone has a voice and no-one is invisible.

Respect - Individuals are free to express themselves without fear and value opinions, ideas and choices, which may differ from their own. Individuals can participate and learn together, and diversity is celebrated.

Community - Every individual has the belief that they are important; that they belong; are valued and are ‘seen’. Everyone should be given the chance to fulfil their potential, succeed and realise their worth.

Care - Individuals are looked after and feel supported by everyone. Relationships are encouraged, formed and nurtured, based upon compassion and belonging. Individuals are empowered to not be afraid of being wrong or taking risks.

Safe - Individuals feel safe and happy and have an understanding of how to keep themselves safe in the wider community. Clear expectations provide security, equality and consistency so individuals know what is expected of them and others.


Our lives are made up of thousands of moments. Each moment influences our character.

At Marchwood Junior School, we learn the importance of knowing our place in the school, the wider community and the whole world and we learn how to take care of our physical and mental wellbeing. We persevere to achieve our goals and are absolutely committed to learning.  We are role models for others and take inspiration from our own role models, recognising the individualism of each and every one of us.

Wellbeing - A community where individuals learn how to take care of themselves, physically, emotionally and mentally and to accept help and support that is offered.  Confidence and self-worth are developed to empower individuals for our rapidly changing modern world. 

Brave - Individuals take ownership of their own learning and stretch themselves to enable them to reach and exceed their targets, having the confidence to have a go and not being afraid to fail.

Resilience - Aiming to create self-confident and independent learners who strive to achieve a sense of pride in their work in an environment where everyone understands expectations on them and how engagement with and love of learning can lead to continuous improvement and achievement. 

Responsibility - Individuals will be encouraged to be inspired by role models within the school and the wider community, but also, to take personal responsibility for being positive role models themselves. 

Emotional Intelligence – We develop an understanding of how we feel in different contexts, how we and others portray their emotions, and how we can effectively manage emotions. We understand how our behaviour impacts on others and the importance of creating harmony by treating others with respect, politeness and good manners.  

Pride – The environment promotes a positive active attitude and pride in learning. The unique contributions of everyone in the school are recognised, talents are nurtured and encouraged.


At Marchwood Junior school, we believe in inspiring and motivating our children to reach for the stars by fuelling passions and promoting creativity and risk taking in all areas of learning. We believe in supporting every individual’s holistic development, enabling them to reach their full potential and achieve their goals and ambitions.

Empowered – An individual is keen to step outside of their ‘comfort zone’ to participate and thrive in new and exciting experiences. They are not afraid to make mistakes and enjoy experimenting with their own ideas.

Aspirational – We continuously sets ourselves high expectations in all aspects of our learning. We are keen to learn and continuously improve and develop, while regularly celebrating successes and achievements. 

Inspired - We cultivate an awareness of the wider world and a desire to take our own inspiration from a range of stimuli. Individuals are provided with enrichment opportunities that spark a sense of wonder, awe and amazement. These experiences give individuals the inspiration to dream and develop ideas which we are encouraged.

Creativity – An individual who can take ownership of knowledge and put their own thoughts and ideas into their learning. They are able to use their imagination or original ideas to develop a unique response.